Terms and conditions

Terms And Conditions:

The terms and conditions described below contain legal obligations, hence, it's advised to read these carefully.

Greetings on the behalf of My VirtualTask. By associating to Avail the Services provided by 'My VirtuaTask', you are Affirming an agreement bound by the terms and conditions below.

1. General Terms & Conditions:
A. My VirtualTask will carry out Work/Assignments only if there is a Mutual Agreement put forward either verbally, by email, call. An 'order' must be duly written or a verbal contract established between 'My VirtualTask' and the Client; this includes call, email, and/or online Agreements.
B. The client shall only be entitled to cancel, any previous Agreement mutually decided for any of the services provided by My VirtuaTask, if we have not been able to fulfill the promised agreement made for the services.
2. Pricing of The Services Requested/Availed:
The Pricing of the Services will be finalized in the form of a Mutual Agreement Between 'Clients' and 'My VirtualTask' and/or is subject to change. 'My VirtualTask' will provide 15 days notice for any change required in the Pricing.

3. Terms and Conditions for Payment:
A. Payment of invoices must be cleared within 1 week from the date of the issue of invoice and/or unless by prior arrangement with My VirtualTask.
B. Any additional costs incurred for the services requested by My VirtualTask needs to be settled by the Clients and/or will be added to their account.

4. Liabilities & Warranties:
(A) 'My VirtualTask' accepts all liabilities for delivery of Services agreed in a mutual agreement.
(B) Will meet your requirements, other than as expressly set out in the agreement;
(C) Provided will produce any certain results, data, sales or other returns.

5. Suspension And Termination Of The Services:
A) We may suspend or terminate our services completely/partially, anytime, if:
B) The client is found to take services, in a personal capacity, from any current/previous employees (less than 3 years), who are/were entrusted by My VirtualTask, for any current/prior, projects/project, of the client.
C) The client becomes a bankrupt or legal defaulter, by the law established by local/state/IPC;

6. Some Other Important Terms And Conditions:
1) Both, the client and the My VirtuaTask, have Obligations to Maintain Confidentiality with regard to the services, Payments, Professional and technical information. Any such activity can lead to the cancellation/termination of the agreement with/without prior intimation.
2) In no case, Either My VirutalTask or the Client has any right to disclose the information Like- Deliverables, Database, Discoveries, Ideas, Concepts, Software in various states of Development, to third parties.